Developed World must take Enhanced Targets for 2016-2020; There Cannot Be ‘Action Holiday’: Javadekar

Environment Minister’s Speech at the High-Level Signing Ceremony of Paris Agreement at un General Assembly for Signing

The Paris Agreement has been signed by 171 countries in New York yesterday. Speaking at the High-Level Signing ceremony at UN General Assembly, Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Shri Prakash Javadekar said that the ratification of IInd commitment period of Kyoto is urgent and needs to be done immediately. He urged the developed world to take enhanced targets for 2016-2020. “There cannot be ‘Action Holiday”, Shri Javadekar said. The Minister reiterated that if the world follows India on taxing the production of coal, the $100 billion easily. He also highlighted that the government has taxed polluting vehicles and is providing subsidy for electric and hybrid vehicles.
He said that the agreement highlights the benefits of ‘Sustainable Lifestyle’. He pointed out that India will reduce emission intensity by 35%, build 40% capacity for power generation from non-fossil fuels, create additional carbon sink of 2.5 billion tonnes and invest in reducing vulnerability and enhancing adaptation to Climate Change.

The following is the text of Shri Javadekar’s speech on the occasion:

“On this Earth Day, we have made History. 171 countries have signed the Paris agreement. It is the triumph of collective wisdom.
I congratulate Secretary General, the French Presidency, and World Leaders.
The Agreement explicitly highlights the benefits of ‘Sustainable Lifestyle’. We have to stop extravagant consumption. If we continue in the same way, we will require 3 planets, and we have, only 1.
This is an impetus for operationalising our vision of ‘Climate Justice’, enshrined in the Preamble of the Paris Agreement. Full application will ensure that developing world and poor people get justice under the current climate regime.
We reiterate that India will:

Ø Reduce Emission Intensity by 35%.;
Ø Build 40% capacity for Power Generation from non-fossil fuels;
Ø Create additional carbon sink of 2.5 billion tonnes;
Ø Invest in reducing our vulnerability and enhancing adaptation to Climate Change.

India has already started on the road to achieve.
In a revolutionary measure we have taxed coal at the rate of $6 per tonne, and we will invest the monies in Clean Environment.
If the World follows India on this, it will generate the elusive $100 billion much early, and more easily.
We have undertaken a huge Renewable energy programme of 175 GW. I am happy to announce that we have already achieved 40 GW.
We have blended 1 billion litres of Ethanol, and intend to double it next year, without changing the Land use.
We have taxed polluting vehicles and are providing subsidy for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
We have distributed 100 million LED bulbs. We have made them cheaper by 80% from $4.7 to $ 0.8
We will save 80 Million tonnes of Carbon equivalent per annum, when we will complete LED programme of one billion lights
Urban Public Transport which is presently 300 KM and 2 million passengers, will increase to 1300 KM and 10 million passengers in 3 years.
For afforestation we are providing $ 10 billion in next 5 years.
We are replacing energy inefficient pumps with efficient pumps, and we will give it free to our farmers.
Ratification of Paris will happen quickly. But ratification of IInd commitment period of Kyoto is urgent and needs to be done immediately. Developed world must take enhanced targets for 2016-2020. There cannot be ‘Action Holiday.’
We should cooperate Clean Actions, competitiveness concerns should not over shadow our common resolve to build a sustainable future.